nano VNAのスミスチャート表示では測定補助用50オーム純抵抗に対して、Qが高ければ、周波数に応じてL分だけしか変化しないので、50オームの円弧をたどるはず。Qが落ちれば、円弧から外れるというのがS11のスミスチャートからみたQ劣化観測ということになりそうです。
This time I would like to use a toroidal core for the trial making of an anntena . There are a number of cores in my junk box and I shall identify an adequate one from those. I used the Arduino LC meter and nano VNA to measure the inductance of coils used those cores.
The Arduino LC meter is good to measure the small coil inductance as several decade of nH. There is several error number by the jig and intrinsic circuit. However the gotten value is similar with gotten value by nanoVNA. The nano VNA is cooler than LCM because of measuring depending upon the frequency .
The result of this experiment I found #7(Estimated T25#6) sample being suitable for my next trial.
There are the result of nano VNA meassured. S-parameter trasing shape may be dependent on its core material's nature.
Thia is bare coil.
This is the result for FB-101 ferrite core coil.
This is thr result for the carbonol iron dust core.